An expert in the areas of Human Resource Management, Ranjan Sarkar, Executive Vice President -
HR, Exide Industries Limited, has over 20 years of cross-industry experience in Automotive, Energy Storage, Pharmaceutical,.. Read More...
Globalisation 4.0 -
Advantages and challenges
CII Session
India is on its way to become a one trillion dollar manufacturing economy. With such vast ambition and advantages in the next phase of globalisation. At a CII conference on ‘The Future of Manufacturing’ Managing Director of Jyoti CLC Automation Limited elaborated on how India’s demographic dividend manufacturing heavyweights, but win that fight... Read More...
Volume - 4, Issue -24
Saturday, March 16-31, 2019 HTML View
An expert in the areas of Human Resource Management, Ranjan Sarkar, Executive Vice President - HR, Exide Industries Limited, has over 20 years of cross-industry experience in Automotive, Energy Storage, Pharmaceutical, Manufacturing,...
Globalisation 4.0 -
Advantages and challenges
CII Session
India is on its way to become a one trillion dollar manufacturing economy. With such vast ambition and advantages in the next phase of globalisation. At a CII conference on ‘The Future of Manufacturing’ Managing Director of Jyoti CLC Automation Limited elaborated on how India’s demographi... Read More...