PEARLS OF WISDOM : Negativity Don't Go There

Manifestation happens when you think a thought with strong emotion (negative or positive) and then expect the result to happen. When you are stuck in a negative vortex, what you create can be scary. And often can be very hard to get over - financially, emotionally, and even physically

It begins so innocently, with a simple thought. But soon there are more thoughts. And then you find other people talking about the same thing— the same fear, the same circumstance, that ‘wrong thing’ that is going on in the world. Suddenly it’s like a tornado and you are being sucked down inside the cone. The walls are so steep and the energy pouring in is so powerful that you have no way of climbing back out. You are stuck at the bottom of a negative energy vortex - that you created by your own thoughts.

What exactly is the negative-thinking spin? or getting stuck in negativity?

It can take many forms but it usually boils down to being stuck in negativity and not being able to get out. Being in a negative-thinking spin is very detrimental. It can hugely impact your health, your relationships, your ability to manifest what you desire. It keeps you feeling a negative set of emotions. It takes away your joy. It can cause you to experience accidents, theft, illness, endless financial worries, and a whole lot more.

On one of my typical Friday mornings with my son Jess at the Santa Fe Children’s Museum I had a rather disturbing encounter with another little boy. Jess was busy playing in the large outdoor sand box. I often sit on one of the bails of hay and enjoy the sunshine as Jess digs, fills buckets with sand, jumps off the hay bails, and helps other children create whatever they've decided to create in the sand.

I heard someone behind me and turned to find a cute little boy about six or seven years old who couldn’t find his mom. I asked him some questions about where he’d seen her last. Then he made a comment that I found very intriguing. He said, “I'm afraid of being kidnapped.” I looked at him very calmly and asked him why he would be afraid of being kidnapped. His response was that “There are kidnappers everywhere, all over the world.” I assured him that there weren’t any kidnappers at the Children's Museum and offered to help find his mom.

Manifestation happens when you think a thought with strong emotion (negative or positive) and then expect the result to happen. When you are stuck in a negative vortex, what you create can be scary. And often can be very hard to get over—financially, emotionally, and even physically.

You create your world. What you are experiencing in this moment, however wonderful or horrible—is there because you thought it into being. The stronger your emotions about something, the faster it comes to you. Every moment of every day your thoughts are creating the world that you are about to step into.

Do you realise that we all are living our own movie, our own experience, our own dream?

Sometime in my youth I had this really odd thought: “What if I am the only "real" person here (meaning in my world) and everyone is just actors or puppets or something?” Boy, I had no idea how close to the truth I actually was.

We are all the only ‘real’ person in our world and everything and everyone around us just reflect back our own beliefs about how life is, about how people are, about what is and isn’t the truth. If you really observe someone, you’ll notice that they act one way with certain people and completely different with someone else. We all adapt and act out how a person believes others are. And, they do the same for us. I find it an amazing dance we do with one another.

You have an internal guidance system that is NEVER wrong. Your Inner Being, Inner Self, Higher Self, or whatever name you choose, remembers all your past and fully understands what you really desire. Particularly if you take the time to get really clear about what you want. And, until you've developed a very close relationship with it, its only way of communicating with you is through your emotions.

The stronger the emotion, the faster you create. So if you are experiencing a strong negative emotion, it’s time to stop immediately what you are doing and think about what you really want instead. And stop exposing yourself to things that cause a strong reaction—like the news. Pay attention to all your emotions. When a negative one comes along, stop everything. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, focus your attention in your heart area and think of something you are grateful for. And realise you could have been in a negative spin.

