CORPORATE COLUMN : The Rush and Pause of Appreciation

G Udayakumar

Let’s make this world happier, by rushing to pause and pausing to rush for appreciation!!! What are you waiting for? The waiting time, is over! You’ve been long in the queue of life, already. The ticket is in your hands! Just go ahead and scream loud appreciation, to all others around you

“I now perceive an immense omission in my psychology. The deepest principle of human nature is the craving to be appreciated” - William James

This emphatic truth of life, that has stood the test of times, was ushered to our Universe by William James, who is also referred to as father of American Psychology, who lived between 1842 and 1910. He was a renowned philosopher and psychologist, who also was a physician and credited as the first educator to offer a psychology course in America.

This quote often resonates in my heart as often in my life and works, that I’d never tire myself telling this and while seeking opportunities to practise this tenet, so much so it stumps me to disbelief that I’ve left many opportunities around me yet go unattended, leaving me feel miserable and incomplete!

My sense and suggestion to myself and you all readers is to “Rush to Appreciate” as and when there’s something that captivates your attention in another, as simple as the energy, brightness, enthusiasm the other manifests, to big-ticket items of the likes of accomplishments, milestones shared, colossal efforts, values akin to humility, respect for others, helping orientation, etc. The list can be endless that which seeks attention, for us to Rush for Appreciation. This simply implies, don’t wait for another day to appreciate others, as either that day never arrives or becomes stale, when deferred. Do it Now (Appreciate Now!) is not a prescription, but a process to be relished both by the giver and gifted to the receiver!

As seemingly paradoxical is my recommendation is to “Pause to Appreciate”. Yes, it’s one of my earnest convictions that we need to pause to hand over huge doses of appreciation, to others. All of us are caught in the wraps of time to constantly perform tasks and deliver results, achieve perennially, be on the treadmill of activities and push boundaries, so much as it has become almost a norm of shameless obsession, as though if we do anything otherwise, it is demeaning for survival. There seems to be an illusion of being unstoppable in the quest of materialism, in the rat race-filled world, of twisted comparisons and jealousy. Here my humble submission is that we all need to Pause to celebrate and Appreciate, however tempting the need to move on to the next activity (with perhaps the only exception in the unlikely event of the next immediate happening is a certain disaster or peril), is to pull stops, take a few deep breaths, pause and appreciate the other soul/s, for what they’ve done to themselves, to you, others around, to the team, organisation, or to the world.

We all need others around us, be it our parents, spouses, children, siblings, neighbours, seniors, peers, team members and strangers to Rush and Pause to Appreciate us! We would ever love and crave to be appreciated by others in all contexts quite unconditionally. There’s nothing wrong in holding this desire and when it doesn’t come from others, we oscillate between being uncared, indifferent, demotivated, depressed and what not. Legitimate it is for us! The point I’m driving home, is not about your expectations being fulfilled or not, by others. If it arrives in time (Rush) or later (Pause), let that be a value, adding bonus, for you to be bolstered. Accept it gracefully and acknowledge the value of the same to others, if it arrives.

We all need others around us, be it our parents, spouses, children, siblings, neighbours, seniors, peers, team members and strangers to Rush and Pause to Appreciate us! We would ever love and crave to be appreciated by others in all contexts quite unconditionally

On the other hand, I’m goading the urge that happens dormant or seldom within you to incessantly Rush and Pause, to Appreciate others, given any situation that appears on your radar of normal senses about others, for there resides a whole world of craving for your love, care and empathy, waiting to be Appreciated by you!!!

Let’s make this world pappier, by rushing to pause and pausing to rush for appreciation!!! What are you waiting for? The waiting time is over! You’ve been long in the queue of life, already. The ticket is in your hands! Just go ahead and scream loud appreciation, to all others around you.
