Riffs and eflections

Arjun Chauhan, a versatile artist — a talented musician, a content creator, seamlessly switches between his many roles. With every strum of his guitar, he brings his passions to life. Dive into his world as he shares his personal favourites
What is your favourite childhood memory? During my early teens, when I used to play Green Day tracks on repeat and sing along to the tunes. Their music gave me pure joy and a sense of freedom.
The special name that your loved ones call you by: Just Arjun, it is.
How would you describe your personality while you were growing up? Curious, funny, and artistically-inclined.
Are you in touch with your childhood best friend? Yes, of course, Antil and I are still in touch.
An advice that you’d give to your teenage self: Focus more on studies and pursue music professionally.
A hobby that defines you: Playing the guitar.
If you could choose a superpower, what would it be? Read people’s minds.
Three things that people don’t know about you:
- That I had a freestyle rap career.
- I can’t swim.
- I have completed my graduation.
Most used app on the phone: Instagram
What’s your most used emoji? 😆A laughing emoji.
What’s one item you can’t leave home without? My fanny pack - it contains all the essentials I need to get through the day.
Team Chai or Team Coffee: Both
If you could snap your fingers and become an expert in something, what would it be? Indian Philosophy.
Three things you would want to take if you were stuck on an island: My phone, a helicopter, and a satellite phone–so that I can return to the land whenever I wish to
If you were to pen down your life story, what would be the title of your biography? Work in Progress–could do better
And if turned into a movie, which actor would play the lead role: Dev Patel, Babil Khan, or Keanu Reeves.
What would you do if you were gifted a billion dollars, no strings attached? Build venues across our country where bands can play experimental music, and where there is a metal gig almost every day.
What’s one irrational fear that you have? Fear of the dark.
An artist whose tune you'd love to dance on: Jazzy B.
A dish that makes your mouth water: Karim’s (restaurant in New Delhi) Mutton Stew
What a dream Sunday looks like: Add a drizzle of chocolate syrup, sprinkle some almonds, and let the ‘Sundae’ be devoured in a frenzy of pure delight.
Would you like to be, the President or Prime Minister of India? President.
Any parting away words: See you, bro.