Hues beyond the limelight

A top model, actor, traveller and humble human, Mariette Valsan opens up about her personal favourites. Read on...
What is your favourite childhood memory? This was during my school's final athletic meet, I missed out on the highest track and field award by one point, despite winning all golds except for one event. The next day, disappointment still lingered but had to study for my board exams. Suddenly, my juniors came knocking on my door all ecstatic to announce that I had won the 'Sportsperson of the Year' award, recognising my achievements across all sports. It was a moment I'll always cherish.
The special name that your loved ones call you by: None.
How would you describe your personality while you were growing up? Energetic, adventurous and enthusiastic.
Are you in touch with your childhood best friend? Yes, we still chat quite often.
An advice that you’d give to your teenage self? You're doing a great job. Keep hustling and trust your gut, as always.
A hobby that defines you? My latest hobby is learning German and improving my surfing skills.
If you could choose a superpower, what would it be? The ability to move through space and time in an instant.
Three things that people don’t know about you: The first thing is, I'm a writer and poet. My poetry used to get published in National newspapers when I was young. Secondly, I have been an ectomorph most of my life, so I can usually get away with eating anything. That’s about it.
Most used app on the phone: WhatsApp.
What’s your most used emoji? The smiling face.
What’s one item you can’t leave home without? My phone.
Team Chai or Team Coffee: Chai all the way.
If you could snap your fingers and become an expert in something, what would it be? Mastering the art of interpreting body language.
Three things you would want to take if you were stuck on an island: A spile, a tent and a notebook.
If you were to pen down your life story, what would be the title of your biography? Anatomy of a spirited girl.
...and if turned into a movie which actor would play the lead role: I'd cast myself.
What would you do if you were gifted a billion dollars, no strings attached? Firstly, I dream of embarking on a global culinary adventure, exploring diverse cuisines from around the world. Secondly, I wish to support my mother's vision of establishing an NGO dedicated to educating underprivileged children, this NGO will look after their wellbeing, and assist anyone in need, regardless of their circumstances or requirements.
What’s one irrational fear that you have? One irrational fear that occasionally grips me is the sudden loss of all my family members.
An artist whose tune you'd love to dance on: Any 90s Bollywood or English song.
A dish that makes your mouth water: Any dish made by my mother.
What a dream Sunday looks like? My day will begin with a session of morning yoga, followed by some peaceful time at the church. Then, a delightful breakfast with my beloved family. Next, I'd head to the beach accompanied by my friends, where we'd spend the day surfing, relaxing, and enjoying each other's company. As the sun begins to set, we'd indulge in games, reading, and soaking in the tranquil beach atmosphere. Finally, a cozy dinner with my family beneath a starry sky brings the day to a blissful close.
Would you like to be the President or Prime Minister of India? Neither.
Any parting away words: Always strive to enhance a place or uplift people before you leave the place. The essence of life lies in discovering one's true self and living authentically. Our purpose extends beyond personal fulfillment; it involves contributing positively to our planet in any capacity we can.