Fun, frolic and Focus

SV Nathan, co-founder and chairman, Visara Human Capital and Consulting, answers some sizzling questions to prove that corporates can be fun and chill too. Dive in as he spills the tea (and coffee) on his personal favourites to reveal his playful side
What is your favourite childhood memory?
I can still remember the breeze flowing through my hair; I must have been barely six years old. The gentle waves lapped at my feet as we strolled along Marina Beach in Madras (Chennai). That peaceful walk with my beloved uncle, followed by munching on pink cotton candy, remains my most cherished childhood memory.
The special name that your loved ones call you by? Kumar
How would you describe your personality while you were growing up? Studious, serious, and focused.
Are you in touch with your childhood best friend? Of course, Yes.
An advice that you’d give to your teenage self: Have more fun.
A hobby that defines you: Gardening
If you could choose a superpower, what would it be? To make everyone happy.
Three things that people don’t know about you: They don’t know that I am a Graphologist, I am a spiritual person, and I know how to cook.
Most used app on the phone: WhatsApp
What’s your most used emoji? Smiling face
What’s one item you can’t leave home without? Mobile phone
Team Chai or Team Coffee: Both
If you could snap your fingers and become an expert in something, what would it be? Nothing in particular; I'm grateful and happy with how I have turned out to be.
Three things you would want to take if you were stuck on an island: A book, a friend and drinking water.
If you were to pen down your life story, what would be the title of your biography? What a Silly Life.
...and if turned into a movie which actor would play the lead role: Naseeruddin Shah
What would you do if you were gifted a billion dollars, no strings attached? Gift it to someone needy.
What’s one irrational fear that you have? A fear I’d lose my friends.
An artist whose tune you'd love to dance on: Any song that has good beats.
A dish that makes your mouth water: Varan Bhaat (lentil and rice)
What a dream Sunday looks like: Wake early, and a long walk with friends in the nearby garden. Enjoy a hearty breakfast with my family, and watch a comedy flick.
Would you like to be the President or Prime Minister of India? Neither
Any parting away words: Life is beautiful.