Adhish Kumar Mohanty, who completed his Post-Graduation from one of the leading B-schools of India, is today successfully placed with SMR Group, a leading conglomerate headquartered in Malaysia
Today, Adhish is successfully placed in the Pre-sales & Digital Marketing division of the leading conglomerate, SMR Group, in Chennai, with a fat package of over Rs. 12 lakh per annum, plus perks and benefits. He keeps travelling to Malaysia and other locations for work, depending on his projects, as and when required.
On a nostalgic note, he took us through his journey right from his college days to being placed, while also offering tips to his juniors.
“My college which is ranked as one of the top B-schools in India today, offered us world class faculty with the best curriculum. It was a 360 degree development for all. We had a lot of extracurricular activities during our college days and also got an opportunity to interact with top notch corporate leaders. Not just that, we also got a chance to be part of various global conferences which increased our exposure,” says Adhish, adding, “My college thrives on the three pillars of success—Discipline, Dedication and Determination. In the first year we stayed in the hostel accommodation. This was the time when we started bonding with our batchmates.”
Getting placed was a different yet wonderful experience for me. I had got rejected in the first five companies I had applied for, that too in the last round. I started introspecting as to where was I going wrong. I realised you need to learn and fill in the gaps where needed
The college conducted guest lectures in the evening at 6.30 pm, after classes. Students had to follow a tight schedule, with no holidays for the first year. They would study all seven days of the week, were made to go through frequent surprise tests and so on. At that point in time they were too stressful...but today Adhish realises its importance, after having got placed.
For pastime, Adhish is into reading naturalistic and social novels. He has represented his state, Odisha, in basketball, in the past—a game he has always loved to play.
He believes that interests evolve into hobbies, which grow into passion. It takes time, more time than anyone can imagine, but when it starts to shape it is a wonderful feeling.
The sailing wasn’t smooth for Adhish too, like many other students who get too anxious when rejected by companies during their placements.
“It was a different yet wonderful experience for me. I had got rejected in the first five companies I had applied for, that too in the last round. I then started introspecting as to where was I going wrong,” says he, adding that it was a continuous learning process. “You learn and fill in the gaps where needed, like improving your communication and deliverability skills, subject knowledge, internship and maintain a positive attitude,” he noted.
After waiting for a few months, finally his wait ended. Adhish went through three rounds of screening with the SMR Group—written test, personal interview and developing a business proposal.
Adhish had maintained a positive attitude throughout. He also worked on enhancing his communication, deliverability skills and his self-confidence and decided not to give up.
“Here’s wishing all my juniors a great time and all the very best for their career ahead. Thank you and best wishes to everyone!” he signs off.
By Mahalakshmi Hariharan